Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea

We came together this afternoon to reward and thank all the mums for the amazing jobs that they do. Thank you everyone for the donations of cakes and to the dads that volunteered to help us run the event.

Year 3/4 enjoyed all things Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths today! They were able to experiment with acid and alkaline, build JCB diggers and even know the science behind how popcorn becomes edible. The all enjoyed the morning and were able to talk to other children about the activities they had done.
Year 1/2 visit RAF Scampton

Today, the children in Year 1/2 visited RAF Scampton to follow up the work they have been doing in History, ‘The First Flight’. The children were able to visit the heritage centre, paint Red Arrow pottery and also see the Red Arrows in action! Ralphie said how amazing the day was and the Red Arrows […]
Reception and Little Gems Visit the Moon

Well, not exactly the moon, but an exhibition at Lincoln Cathedral. This trip fell beautifully for the children in Reception and Little Gems as they are learning about the moon in class. The children certainly enjoyed their first school visit. Mrs Thombs said that the children were in awe of the scaled version of the […]
Christmas at TMA

A great many events have taken place this term; culminating in a trio of Christmas activities. Starting with the Christmas Fair (Santa’s Grotto included). Followed by Christmas Jumper/Dinner Day and the Movie Night. A big thank you to all of the staff and volunteers who have made this possible and safe to do so! Wishing […]
Arts Award

This morning, the children in Year 3 and 4, who have been completing their Arts Award with Mrs Lucking, presented their final projects. They explained their favourite pieces of art and their least favourite and discussed the artists they have studied. It was clear that Axel Scheffler was the favourite and Kandinsky was the least. […]
Foundation & KS1 Nativity

The show must go on! That is what we kept saying. With everything in the news about the pandemic, we needed the Nativity to go ahead. And that it did! The children were brilliant and they projected their voices very well. I just hope we don’t lose any of them to acting school! Everyone was […]
Christingle at St Helens, Gate Burton

After a snowy walk, it was a lovely atmosphere at Gate Burton Church this morning. A service, led by Rev. Wain, took us through the reason behind the Christingle and why it is made in the way it is. Some lovely hymns and prayers and I am sure you will agree the Christingles, when lit, […]
Meet the new Academy Councillors

Elections have now taken place and our Academy Councillors have begun their new roles. An initial meeting was held to talk about their role and future initiatives they would like to see. The Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy was reviewed and amended to reflect the council’s views. This will now be completed and posted on the school […]
Team GB Gymnast Visits TMA

This afternoon, we were visited by Sam Oldham, a Team GB bronze medalist in Gymnastics at London 2012. The children have really loved the afternoon. ‘I’d love to try do the balances like the gymnast and try hard like he did!’ said Izzy. Violet also said that she ‘loved seeing the medal and Olympic torch […]