These years continue to form the building blocks that ensure confident and independent young people with a motivation to learn. Â For Year 1, children are transitioning into a classroom environment with a focus on learning new skills and independence. Children in Year 2 have the opportunity to extend their knowledge and build upon existing skills to develop their thirst for learning.
This year, we cover the following topics:
We also have lots of exciting experiences planned for the children through residential visits and themed days in school.
We value reading in our school. It underpins your child’s learning and is a key ingredient to extend their range of vocabulary and imagination. Therefore, we expect our children to read daily. This should be acknowledged with a signature by an adult each time. Children will be given weekly phonics to practice at home (including spellings) as well as a Maths focus. We have an extensive library, so children have the opportunity to bring home additional reading for pleasure books.
These are used to communicate between parents and teachers. We will check the children’s diary regularly. Please write a note when your child has read and any other comments you would like to share. We really appreciate your support reading with your children.
We pride ourselves on our uniform. Children should all come to school wearing full school uniform (please see website for full details on uniform permitted). For P.E days, children should have a white P.E. top, shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers or plimsolls.
Class Dojo is used to share learning that takes place in school. We will regularly post pictures of work or activities that the children get up to. The platform also gives you the opportunity to share your children’s achievements and independent learning they do. These are wonderful opportunities for your child to present to class about what they know or have learnt. We all learn a lot from these moments.
Mrs Ashley (Y1/2 teacher) and Mr Green (head teacher) will be readily available should you need us.
For more information about the Key Stage 1 curriculum, please contact Mrs Ashley or Mr Green.