Cherry Class


Welcome to Cherry Class

We would like to welcome you to get to know us and understand how and why we want the best for the children in their Early Years at the Marton Academy. During the Foundation Stage, we aim to create a nurturing environment, where all children feel safe and supported to reach their full potential. We provide an exciting and stimulating environment, in which children become independent and confident learners. The children benefit from an individualised approach to learning to help develop the steps they need to take them through their Nursery and Reception years. We encourage children to have a positive growth mindset, that allows them to learn from their mistakes and improve their knowledge and skills through a creative and inspiring curriculum. It is our aim to create meaningful and memorable experiences that engage the children in their development and learning. As the children approach the end of Reception, we ensure that they are prepared for their next steps of their educational journey in Year 1.

Home School Diaries and Homework

These are used as a form of communication between parents and school staff. It is essentially a record of each child’s reading development. Children will have a weekly reading book which they should practise regularly at home, so that they have the best opportunity to make the best progress. We encourage children to read for pleasure and learn to love reading, by having regular visits to our school library!


We pride ourselves on our uniform. Children should all come to school wearing full school uniform: black or grey trousers/skirt and a white shirt or blouse, The Marton Academy sweatshirt or jumper, Black shoes with Velcro fastening. On P.E days, children should have a Marton Academy hoodie, white P.E. top, dark shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers or plimsolls. Please see the website for information.

All must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.


Class Dojo is a fantastic tool for you to see what we get up to in school. Each week, parents will be able to see what the class have enjoyed during the week and what they look forward to doing. We will keep you informed each term about PE days, library book days.

Mrs Thombs, Miss Hall and Miss Moody will be available to welcome the children and will be readily available should you need to discuss anything.

30 Hours Provision

Further information

Further to our Reception class, the academy offers provision for Under 4s as a mixed foundation class for up to 30 hours per week.

Marton Academy ‘Cherry Class’ attend the mixed foundation class. This gives them an excellent start and prepares them for a seamless transition when they begin school full time.

‘Cherry Class’ wear the academy uniform and join with the Reception age pupils for some learning activities throughout the day.


Supporting development

Marton ‘Cherry Class’ have a separate playtime in the foundation stage environment. Their key worker is Miss Hall.

The Early Years leader, Mrs Thombs oversees and support their learning.

For further information please contact the academy office.