Wellbeing & Mental Health


Staying happy and healthy

An introduction

At the Marton Academy we strongly believe that children need to be happy and emotionally secure in order for them to be able to learn well. We have strategies in place to ensure that children in school have someone to talk to if they are feeling anxious or worried about anything. We are also able to access external support for children who are finding things difficult.

In school we have:

  • ‘Worry Buddies’
  • Class ‘Worry Boxes’

Children have the opportunity to access one to one support with a trained adult if they are feeling worried or just would like someone to talk to.

Above all, the school environment is geared up with outdoor provision that enables healthy minds and bodies to flourish. Every class has a garden and we are very proud of our RHS Level 5 status recognising the work we do with our children to develop their relationship with nature and essential life skills of growing and tending the earth.

Woodland area

Engaging with creative activities through imaginative play and nature study.

Pet Therapy

The school has a number of pets including ‘Boo and Lou’ the guinea pigs.

Research has found increasing evidence that household pets have a major influence on child development, and could have a positive impact on children’s social skills and emotional well-being.


Further information

If children are still struggling to manage their feelings or emotions despite accessing support in school, we can refer to a range of support agencies.


Additional support

We can assess their emotional behaviour using an assessment called The Boxall Profile.

Our staff are trained in mapping signs of safety to identify positive and supportive intervention.

If you have any worries about your child’s emotional well-being and mental health, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff in school.

For further information and support please access the Family Services Directory (linked to our Local Offer).